Weave 2025 - DFG - Allemagne

Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS)

Sciences humaines et sociales (1)

Eligiblity rules

All eligibility rules and criteria can be found in the WEAVE regulations.


  • Informations sur la soumission au DFG

  • Administrative submission via e-space: French-speaking Belgian participants applying for WEAVE funding in the DFG Individual Research Grants call must submit an administrative proposal via e-space to the F.R.S.-FNRS within 7 days of the DFG deadline. Select the WEAVE-DFG funding instrument to create the application.

Soumission DFG : 01/04/2025

Soumission "E-Space" : 08/04/2025

Contacts ULB

Fonds Recherche

Contacts externes

Dernière modification le 03/03/2025 par LEMAITRE Lucie