The deadlines have been extended (see "Informations supplémentaires"). In this call, the focus lies on helping Belgian Federal Scientific Institutions (FSIs) strengthen their scientific excellence. Proposals must fit into one of the following priorities : (1) Enhancing Heritage Sciences through Digital Technologies, Open Data Repositories and AI; (2) New techniques – New methods; (3) Heritage collection research (4); Understanding and Mitigating Global and Climate Change ; (5) Exploratory Research.
Additionally, proposals must fit into one of the following types of project, called the 'categories of the Research Tool': R&D project; Synergy development; Valorisation/Impact; Capacity/skills development.
Here is the list of FSIs:
Acronym | Full Name | |
KBIN – IRSNB | Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique |
KMMA – MRAC | Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale | |
KMI – IRM | L’Institut royal météorologique | |
KBS – ORB | Observatoire royal de Belgique | |
BIRA – IASB | Institut royal d'Aéronomie | |
KMKG – MRAH | Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire | |
KMSKB – MRBAB | Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique | |
KIK – IRPA | Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique | |
ARA – AGR | Archives générales du Royaume | |
KBR | Koninklijke Bibliotheek / Bibliothèque royale | |
Sciensano | unit science, santé et société | |
NICC – INCC | Institut National de Criminalistique et de Criminologie | |
WHI | War Heritage Institute |
All documents relevant to this call can be found on the Belspo website. Please note that on this website, you will find the correct and latest information on, among other things, the research priorities and categories of the Research Toolbox. They are fully described in the document "Information file".