ERA4Health - InterHeart call on - "Understanding the interactions between cardiovascular diseases and comorbidities and/or their therapeutic treatments"
Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS)
Aims of the call
The aim of the call is to support research that:
build our understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms governing interactions between the cardiovascular system and the other organs/systems when at least one of the two presents a pathological state,
build a comprehensive approach to understanding cardiovascular disease interactions, combining basic research, clinical translation, and digital innovation through international collaboration,
enable transnational collaboration of multidisciplinary scientists from different countries to work together across borders, taking advantage of complementary expertise and leveraging diverse patient populations and sets of data.
The proposals should focus on expanding knowledge and understand:
how CVD affect the performance of other organs/systems and/or their capacity to respond to treatments,
how disorders other than CVD affect cardiovascular system performance including response to treatments,
and/or how treatment for disorders other than CVD affect positively or negatively the performance of the cardiovascular system.
The proposals should include one of the following approaches:
Mechanistic / experimental research,
Identification and validation of biomarkers of organs/systems/disorders crosstalk mentioned above (including epigenetics biomarkers),
Generation of digital models of disease(s) to study disease-disease or disease-drug.
Each partner is funded separately by the national/regional funding organisation they are applying to. They must fulfil the conditions of their funding organisation.
The maximum amount of requested funding per project is 300.000 € for a total period of three years. If the project involves the recruitment of a PhD student, the project duration of the F.R.S.-FNRS sub-project could be up to four years.
Eligible costs items
Personnel costs: 80,000€ EUR per year on average for the duration of the project. The usual duration of ERA-NET research programmes is three years. However, when the project involves a PhD student, the principal investigator can apply for an additional one year funding in order to complete the four years PhD programme. Since this programme is co-funded by the European Commission, this final year should not be included in the budget submitted to this call.
Equipment: can be eligible up to 20% of the total budget of the project
Running costs: travel expenses; organisation of small scientific events in Belgium; consumables and the following support costs: consumables Publication Designing (conception d’ouvrage) Dictionary Production (réalisation de dictionnaire) Purchase of Books Encoding Software Access Rights Congress Registration Fees Purchase of Computer Scanning Travel costs Visa costs Open Access publication of an article up until 500 euros (see F.R.S-FNRS Open Access policy).
“Overhead” is not an eligible cost for FNRS. If the project is selected for funding, these costs will be subject to a separate agreement between the institution of the beneficiary and the F.R.S.-FNRS.
Pour postuler
Pour postuler
Submission of joint transnational proposals:
There will be a two-step submission and evaluation procedure for joint applications, i.e. pre-proposals and full proposals, and the full proposal review process will be complemented by a rebuttal stage. For both submission steps, one joint proposal document (in English) shall be prepared by the partners of a joint transnational proposal and must be submitted to the JCS by uploading it on the electronic submission system by the project coordinator.
Submission of F.R.S-FNRS proposal:
Applicants must provide basic administrative data by submitting an administrative application on e-space within 5 working days after the general deadline of the call to be eligible. Please select the “PINT-MULTI” funding instrument when creating the administrative application. This call follows a one-step procedure.
Pre-proposal: March 7, 2025 at 12:00 CET
Full Proposals: June 17, 2025 at 12:00 CET
e-space: March 14, 2025 at 14:00 (CEST)
Requis d'admission
Eligibility rules for the consortia
Only transnational projects will be funded. The following conditions apply to the composition of consortia:
• A minimum of 3 (three) eligible and a maximum of 5 (five) eligible partners from at least 3 (three) different countries participating in the call.
• The maximum number of eligible partners can be increased up to 6 (six) or 7 (seven) if they include 1 (one) or 2 (two) partners, respectively, from the following participating countries: Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia and Türkiye.
• No more than 2 (two) eligible partners from the same country participating in the call will be accepted within one consortium.
Eligibility rules for F.R.S. - FNRS
Applicants requesting funding from F.R.S. FNRS must comply with the following rules.
The applicant must be affiliated to a university from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (FWB).
At the closure of the call, the applicant should also:
- Be a permanent researcher of F.R.S-FNRS (Chercheur qualifié, maître de recherches ou Directeur de recherche) or;
- Hold a tenure track position (or an assimilated position including pending tenure track) with a research institution from the FWB
After the submission of applications, the F.R.S.-FNRS and the research institutions are required to verify the eligibility of the candidates. The F.R.S.-FNRS reserves the right to refuse those whose eligibility criteria would not comply with the Regulation.
In order the check the compliance with these eligibility criteria, please contact your contact person at ULB-TTO (see details below). T
he complete F.R.S-FNRS rules for international research projects is available at the following link:
Zones géographiques
Les zones géographiques n'ont pas encore été spécifiées.