Description de l’appel

Programme : WHO project on ethical climate and health research
Organisation : World Health Organization (WHO)
Deadline : 17/06/2024 - Full-proposal
Deadline2 :
Type d'information : Financement
Type de programme : Appels à projets de collaboration internationale, Appels à projets de recherche fondamentale/ou de base (hors financement de l’Union Européenne)
Description courte : The WHO Health Ethics and Governance Unit invites proposals designed to help facilitate the promotion of ethically sound and equitable climate and health research. Proposals reflecting the priorities and experiences of communities most affected by climate change are welcome.
Proposal to study the health impacts of climate change for some populations and on some topics: the experiences of local and Indigenous Peoples, cliamte change impact on mental health and effective policy.
Description complète : This call for proposals is the first step in an ambitious three-year project to develop an agenda for conducting ethical research into climate change and health. The call and associated commissioned and desk research will be followed by regional and global convenings to discuss findings and recommendations from the first stage, and the development of normative frameworks and 
supporting guidance. 

Themes of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
- Ethical challenges in conducting research on health impacts of climate change, as well as mitigation and adaptation strategies
- Setting priorities for research and action
- Justice considerations and the distribution of benefits and burdens
- Assessing net benefit and trade-offs between different types of health gains and other social, economic, ecological, cultural considerations
- Representation, power, and epistemic justice in shaping the climate and health research agenda and practice
- Valuing health, with a climate lens

The proposal and all correspondence and documents relating thereto shall be prepared and submitted in the English language.
Information which the bidder considers confidential, if any, should be clearly marked as such.
Bearing in mind the aims of this proposal, a range of activities may be planned including: 
 Theoretical and conceptual analyses of ethical issues arising in research into climate and 
 Guidance addressing particular ethical issues and challenges in climate and health research 
 Systematic reviews of relevant literature 
 Case studies 
 Empirical research incorporating novel data collection and analysis 
 Participatory approaches to the development of research and research agendas 
 The development of capacity strengthening and training resources in the ethics of research in climate and health. 
Proposals should clearly identify intended outputs and outline how these can support the development of ethical research into health and climate change.
Critères d’admission/attribution : Proposals will be chosen based on the following criteria: 
1. The design, focus and proposed outputs of the study (50%), including: 
a. Does the proposal address a topic relevant to one of the key areas of interest of the call? 
b. Does the proposal offer a clearly stated rationale for the study?
c. Is this a new research area or is it already being explored? 
d. Does the proposal clearly outline the aims of the project? 
e. Can the project reasonably achieve its aims in the time available to it?

The expertise, experience and geographical location of the lead researcher and/or project team (25%) 
3. Cost-effectiveness and value for money (25%).
In addition to the high-level criteria, we will aim to consider the following sub-categories, in order to achieve a diverse portfolio of funded projects:
 Geographic distribution – both in terms of where the research is being undertaken (location of the institution) and the focus of the research
 Gender balance 
 Different populations/groups – e.g. Those directly/most effected by climate change, Indigenous scholars 
 Across research fields/areas e.g. non-interventional observational and epidemiological studies, interventional & sub-topics within research – e.g. research on adaption, mitigation, research concepts such as social benefits, issues of duties owed to participants.

Please note that we would particularly welcome collaborative proposals: 
 Collaborative and/or interdisciplinary proposals both between high-income and low and middle-income countries (LMICs) and between LMICs 
 Proposals from under-represented groups, particularly where they are associated with populations at risk from the health burdens of climate change
Financement :
The maximum amount of funding available will be up to US$ 25,000.

However, we will consider funding a small number of proposals up to US$ 50,000 for multi-country/multi region studies.

The activities will be implemented across a maximum twelve-month period and the end date should not exceed 31 August 2025. 
Pour postuler / aide du Département Recherche : Liens utiles au montage de projet - Portail du personnel de l'ULB
Zone géographique: Europe - Amérique du Nord
Contact interne ULB : Rachel Leproult
Nom du second contact : Sarah Di Giglio
Contact externe :
Vous souhaitez recevoir de l’information destinée à quel type de profil : Chercheurs
Discipline(s) scientifique(s) de l’appel : Biologie/ Bioingénieur, Chimie/ Sciences des matériaux, Démographie, Economie/ gestion, Environnement/ Aménagement du territoire/ Développement durable, Géographie, Géographie humaine, Géologie, Médecine, Pharmacie, Philosophie, Psychologie/ Sciences cognitives, Santé publique, Sciences biomédicales, Sciences politiques/ relations internationales, Sociologie/ Anthropologie/ Sciences du travail
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