Description de l’appel

Programme : CIVIS Call for Applications - seed funding for research activities and African-European collaboration
Organisation : ULB
Deadline : 31/03/2024
Deadline2 :
Type d'information : Financement
Type de programme : Appels à projets de collaboration internationale, Financement de mobilité « In » (venir à l’ULB), Financement de mobilité « OUT » (partir à l’extérieur de l’ULB), Financement d’activités de networking
Description courte : Faculty members and researchers of CIVIS universities are invited to submit proposals for initiating new collaborative research projects or the preparation of applications for larger research grants. CIVIS welcomes proposals related to one (or more) of the five CIVIS Hub themes:

Climate, Environment, Energy
Society, Culture, Heritage
Cities, Spaces, Mobilities
Digital & Technological Transformation
Description complète : What types of activities are funded?

1. Thematic activities: initiative with a research dimension and with the potential to establish a longer-lasting collaboration among participants beyond the activity itself (workshops, training, network meeting, summer school, collective publication…).

2. Application design measures: initiative with the aim of preparing an application for a larger research grant (need to mention the funding programme and their methodology to reach it). Example of activities: meetings of potential or designated applicants/consortium members, meetings of the writing team (..).

Who can apply?

· Applicants must be permanent academics or employees with a long-term contract.

· For organizational reasons, the main contact person/applicant should be a member from a CIVIS University in Europe.
Postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students at CIVIS universities are encouraged to be involved in thematic activities
Critères d’admission/attribution :
Proposals must:

·  Involve at least three CIVIS universities from Europe or Africa (two European universities at least)*
·   Relate to at least one of the CIVIS Hub themes: Climate, Environment, Energy // Society, Culture, Heritage // Health // Cities, Spaces, Mobilities // Digital & Technological Transformation
·  Demonstrate the potential for a sustainable, longer-term collaboration among project participants, e.g., by including plans for a grant application, follow-up activities, lasting links among project participants. Application design measures must state the funding programme and/or Call targeted (e.g., Horizon Europe)
·        Be completed by 31 July 2025.

Proposals should:

·  Include participants from at least one of the six strategic partner universities in Africa (more are desirable).
·  Ideally include partners from more than two European universities.
·  Address societal challenges.
·  Be interdisciplinary.
·  Include or contribute to citizen/participatory science.
Financement : What is the budget of this Call?

· This call is primarily financed from CIVIS Erasmus+ budget, except for UNIL and UofG with different sources.

· Budget plans should state costs for each participating institution. Any travel and accommodation costs should be budgeted under the participants home institution, which usually covers the expenses of its members (except participants from strategic partner universities in Africa).

· Each project can receive up to 10,000 EUR. Please note, if activities involve academics from the University of Lausanne and/or University of Glasgow the applicant can exceed this limit as those participants are financed by UNIL/UofG institutional funds.

Which costs are eligible?

· Staff mobility costs (travel, accommodation, and subsistence) can be covered according to Erasmus+ rules for participants from CIVIS member universities in Europe (for more information, please contact:

· Staff mobility costs for participants from African partner universities (incoming visit at ULB only) can be funded by Erasmus+ ICM fund. Please consult and for this matter.

· The co-funding of activities from other sources is possible and encouraged. For meetings organized at ULB, the CIVIS office provide a budget of maximum 500 euros for each project for catering or diner. Please contact for more information. The CIVIS office at

· ULB provides you also with a logistical or administrative support. Please contact:

· Adequate supporting documents to prove costs may be requested; local rules may apply. For more details, please contact the CIVIS Office ( at your respective universities before submitting the application. 
Pour postuler / aide du Département Recherche :
· Inform your CIVIS office at ULB before submitting your application:
· Then submit your application only through the Seed funding for research activities and African-European collaboration – CIVIS - A European Civic University
·  Application deadline: 31 March 2024 (24:00 CEST/UTC+2)
·  Applicants who plan to organise an event at a CIVIS university should consult the local CIVIS Office/contact person at the potential host university (if the event plans to happen at ULB:  before submitting the application.

Evaluation and timeline

· Deadline for applications: 31 March 2024

·  April/May 2024: CIVIS Hub Councils examine the academic relevance of proposed activities and the CIVIS Management Committee their financial and organisational feasibility. The CIVIS Research Council and Steering Committee will decide on the funding of activities.

·  By 15 June: Applicants will be notified about the funding decision.
·  By 31 July 2025: Activities are completed.
Contact interne ULB : Ulla Harmala
Nom du second contact : Marie Ugeux
Contact externe :
Aucun contact extérieur n'a été référencé pour ce projet. Vous êtes donc invité(e) à prendre contact avec la personne de contact interne ULB ou à répondre directement à l’appel en suivant la procédure indiquée.

No external contact has been referenced for this project. You are therefore invited to contact the ULB's contact person or answer the call directly by following the procedure indicated.
Vous souhaitez recevoir de l’information destinée à quel type de profil : Chercheurs
Discipline(s) scientifique(s) de l’appel : Toutes les disciplines de Sciences exactes et appliquées, Toutes les disciplines de Sciences humaines et sociales, Toutes les disciplines de Sciences de la vie
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