Description de l’appel

Programme : Call for clinical fellowship in paediatric haematology-oncology 2025
Organisation : Fund Prinses Máxima Centrum Belgium - Fondation Roi Baudoin
Deadline : 02/12/2024 - Full-proposal
Deadline2 :
Type d'information : Financement
Type de programme : Financement de mobilité « OUT » (partir à l’extérieur de l’ULB)
Description courte : The Fund Prinses Máxima Centrum Belgium was created to support clinical fellowships for paediatricians, with the aim to fulfil their training to obtain the Belgian professional title “paediatric haemato-oncologist”. The one-year fellowship grant will fund a clinical training in paediatric haemato-oncology at the Princess Máxima Center in Utrecht. The fellowship will start as soon as the fellow is available and at the latest in October 2026

Description complète : Call for clinical fellowship in paediatric haematology-oncology 2024-2025 

The Fund Prinses Máxima Centrum Belgium supports medical doctors who obtained a paediatric recognition in a Belgian university, or who have a Belgian recognition as paediatrician.
The one-year fellowship grant will fund a clinical training in paediatric haemato-oncology at the Princess Máxima Center in Utrecht. The fellowship will start as soon as the fellow is available and at the latest in October 2026. 

Critères d’admission/attribution : Eligible applicants

   - Medical doctors proficient in the Dutch language;
   - Specialists in paediatrics (including last year of specialisation) or recognition in paediatrics obtained in Belgium (or receiving Belgian recognition), who are aiming to obtain the Belgian professional title “paediatric haemato-oncologist”;
   - working in an academic centre or a university hospital in Belgium.

The application should be formally supported by the training supervisor of the Belgian hospital where the paediatrician is in residency.

Selection criteria

The candidates will be first assessed on basis of their curriculum vitae and motivation:  
   - Track record and career;
   - Potential of the candidate (creativity, management skills, international visibility, recognition by peers, etc.);
   - Motivation to pursue a career in paediatric haematology-oncology.

Based on this first selection, the best quoted candidates will be invited for an interview.


Applications will be submitted to an independent scientific jury.
A selection of candidates will be invited at the end of January 2025 (date to be defined) for an interview in Dutch with the members of the jury.
The jury will assess the candidates and will draw up recommendations for the Steering Committee of the Fund, which will make the final decision. The decision will be published in March 2025 for a fellowship starting as soon as the fellow is available. 

Financement : Amount, duration and allocation

A financial support of maximum €75.000 will be granted to one fellow for one year. This support aims to cover the salary costs of the fellow. The support will be paid directly to the fellow by the Princess Máxima Center in Utrecht. 

An additional amount of maximum €2.500 to fund additional training courses will be made available to the fellow from the start date of the fellowship in Utrecht until the fellowship ends in Utrecht. Registration fees will be reimbursed on the basis of supporting documents when each registration certificate is issued. 
Pour postuler / aide du Département Recherche : Please consider reaching out to the H.U.B Grant management ( in advance in case you have questions, need documents or support to draft the proposal.

If you are interested, please submit an online application via the website of the King Baudouin Foundation. Applications should be submitted in English or Dutch by 2nd December 2024 at midnight at the latest. Candidates will receive an acknowledgement of receipt.

Zone géographique: Belgique - Pays-Bas
Contact interne ULB : David Bergemann (H.U.B)
Institut Jules Bordet Rue Meylemeersch 90 (Rez Haut Nord) B-1070 Anderlecht Belgium
+32 (0) 2 541 34 66
Contact externe : Isabelle Nguyen
Rue Brederode 21 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
+32-(0)2-549 03 00
Vous souhaitez recevoir de l’information destinée à quel type de profil : Chercheurs
Discipline(s) scientifique(s) de l’appel : Médecine
Documents :
Nom Fichier
Call text - Rules Selection_criteria_PMC_2024.pdf
Proposal_form Fund_Prinses_Máxima_Centrum_B.pdf
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