Description de l’appel

Programme : 2025 Call For Clinical Studies
Organisation : Kom op tegen Kanker
Deadline : 17/12/2024 - Submission to H.U.B Grant Management
Deadline2 : 17/01/2025 - Abstract
Type d'information : Financement
Type de programme : Appels à projets de recherche fondamentale/ou de base (hors financement de l’Union Européenne)
Description courte : Kom op tegen Kanker awards grants to Belgian research and healthcare institutions to coordinate or participate in clinical studies (including at the international level), provided that the research is conducted with no direct commercial purposes. The terms research and healthcare institutions refer to non-profit R&D actors, including universities, hospitals, healthcare organisations and others.
Description complète : Kom op tegen Kanker awards grants to Belgian research and healthcare institutions to coordinate or participate in clinical studies (including at the international level), provided that the research is conducted with no direct commercial purposes. The terms research and healthcare institutions refer to non-profit R&D actors, including universities, hospitals, healthcare organisations and others.

If a collaboration between different research institutions can add value to the achievement of the objectives, it is expected that a collaboration will be set up. Clinical research in the context of a public-private partnership may be eligible if it is necessary for the execution of the project, the complementarity of funding from Kom op tegen Kanker remains guaranteed, appropriate agreements regarding intellectual property are in place and if guarantees can be given on accessibility and fair price setting after the research is completed.

For what period of time can funding be applied for? :
The term of a project is envisaged at a maximum of 6 years. An application can be submitted for a longer term, if this is necessary for the proper implementation of this project. However, this must be adequately justified. The start and end dates will be determined in consultation between the Research, Care and Prevention Funding Department of Kom op tegen Kanker and the principal investigator. Projects are started within a year of approval, in principle.
Critères d’admission/attribution : To be eligible for funding within the call for clinical trials, the project must meet the following 6 conditions:

1.   It must be a prospective clinical study (interventional or registry-based) investigating patient-relevant outcomes, either focused on the treatment of cancer or focused on the side effect(s) of cancer/ cancer treatment. It may involve a (new) therapy, surgical technique, diagnostic test, lifestyle intervention or a comparison of different treatments (not limited to these examples).

2.   The study must be conducted at any time as a function of maximising added value for patients/ former cancer patients. In this regard, the study must be characterised by the following aspects:
    • Primary outcomes must meet a concrete need of patients/ former patients and be based on direct input from patients/ former patients.
    • Primary outcomes must be patient-relevant and therefore result in a demonstrable improvement in quality of life and/or a demonstrable improvement in life expectancy while maintaining quality of life.
    • A multidisciplinary approach with sufficient attention to the physical, psychological and social functioning of patients/ former patients.
    • The safety of patients/ former patients must be a priority at all times.
    • The accessibility and affordability of medical intervention must be taken into consideration.
3.   The study must be qualitative in terms of:
    • Evidence
    • Research competence
    • Methodology (including study design and statistical plan)
    • Feasibility
4.    At every point in the study, patients/ former patients must be central and active patient participation must be an integral part of the study. Co-creation between (former) patients and researchers is the goal.
5.   We strongly encourage collaboration, including at the international level, with academic and non-academic centres to increase feasibility of the study (recruitment) and support for valorisation and implementation, among other things.
6.    Research results must be fully valorised and/or implemented to realise the maximum added value for cancer patients in practice as soon as possible.

To be eligible for funding, recruitment of patients of Flemish institutions and accessibility of study-based treatment for patients in Flanders must be guaranteed

- Commercial/industrial actors (for-profit) cannot apply for funding themselves under any circumstances.
- To submit a project application as a principal investigator / co-investigator, the researcher must hold at least the academic degree of doctor (PhD). Each project can have only 1 principal investigator. The principal investigator has a coordinating role for the entire project.
- Kom op tegen Kanker wants to encourage young researchers to also submit projects as principal investigator. The evaluation of the project proposal will be carried out based on the expertise and qualifications of the entire consortium.

Kom op tegen Kanker underlines the complementary nature of its funding, awarding grants only for clinical cancer research with a potentially high patient benefit but for which no or insufficient funding is being made available by government, industry and/or other funders.

Applications for funding cannot be made for translational research within the call for clinical research projects.

The way the project applications are assessed, the follow-up and the financial management of the supported projects guarantee a good and efficient expenditure of the funds of Kom op tegen Kanker. Key words in that approach are patient-centredness, scientific excellence, independent assessment, collaboration, transparency and communication.
Financement : Budget : 6 million euros

Kom op tegen Kanker only funds biomedical cancer research in cases for which no or insufficient funding is made available by government, industry and/or other funders.
No maximum budget is defined per research project. The amount must be justified very comprehensively (per research institution). The requested budget must be sufficient to implement the project.

The research budget can be used to cover:

- Personnel costs: the use of personnel must be thoroughly justified as a function of the execution of the research project. The salary cost of both scientific staff and technical staff (ATP) can be included. The following scales of pay apply:
•   PhD student: max. €58.000/year (1 FTE)
•   Technical staff (ATP), data manager or data nurse: max €70.000/year (1 FTE)
•   Researcher (scientific assistant): max. €89.000/year (1 FTE)
•   Postdoctoral researcher: max €114.000 /year (1 FTE)

- Operating costs: the operating costs directly attributable to the project are eligible. These costs must be traceable in the accounting records and must be substantiated with internal or external invoices. In all cases, costs can only be included in proportion to their use for the project.

- Costs for purchasing medication do not qualify as operating costs. Exceptionally, approval may be given to include the cost of off-patent medication if the clinical expert committee considers that availability cannot be guaranteed in any other way and that the cost is necessary to carry out the research project.

- Publication costs can be included, with a maximum of €2.000 per project year. Publication costs can only be included for publication of scientific articles that have undergone peer review and are (also) available in an 'open access' journal or database.

- Equipment costs can be included in the project in exceptional cases. The conditions are:
•    The equipment/goods involved must be unambiguously attributable to the implementation of the project. It must be possible to demonstrate a clear relationship between the equipment and the project goal.
•    The subsidised cost is the depreciation cost over the duration of the project and proportional to the use of the equipment/goods for the project. The depreciation regime must be in line with the accounting practice at the institution in question.
•    Equipment rental fees are also eligible. Rentals are subject to the same conditions as above.

- Under no circumstances may overhead costs (indirect costs) and avoidable VAT be charged.
- Travel, accommodation and conference costs are not eligible.
Pour postuler / aide du Département Recherche : If you are interested in submitting a proposal for this call, it is mandatory to contact the Grant Management of H.U.B ( ) before 17 December 2024.

-For more information and if you have additional questions, please contact David Bergemann 

Applications are made via the website using standard application forms made available on the Kom op tegen Kanker website:
Zone géographique: Belgique
Contact interne ULB : David Bergemann (H.U.B)
Institut Jules Bordet Rue Meylemeersch 90 (Rez Haut Nord) B-1070 Anderlecht Belgium
+32 (0) 2 541 34 66
Contact externe :
Kom op tegen Kanker vzw Koningsstraat 217, 1210 Brussel
Vous souhaitez recevoir de l’information destinée à quel type de profil : Chercheurs
Discipline(s) scientifique(s) de l’appel : Médecine, Santé publique
Documents :
Nom Fichier
Application_rules Reglement_klinische_onderzoeks.pdf
Submission_form Aanvraagformulier_abstractfase.docx
Télécharger tous les documents
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