Description de l’appel

Programme : WEL-T Investigator program
Organisation : F.R.S.-FNRS
Deadline : 07/11/2024 - Full-proposal
Deadline2 :
Type d'information : Financement
Type de programme : Appels à projets de recherche fondamentale/ou de base (hors financement de l’Union Européenne), Financement de post-doctorat, Financement de thèse de doctorat, Recrutement de personnel, Transfert technologique et valorisation de la recherche
Description courte : The FRFS-FNRS and the WEL Research Institute announce the opening on September, 17th of the second “WEL-T Investigator Programme” call, funded by the Walloon region.

This call is dedicated to strategic research of excellence in engineering, chemistry and physics with a view to developing breakthrough innovations for industrial applications aimed at sustainable transition.
Description complète : General context :

The Fund for Strategic Fundamental Research (FRFS) is an Associated Fund of the F.R.S.-FNRS. Its purpose, within the framework of a mission assigned by the Walloon region, is to fund fundamental research of excellence in strategic axes through rigorously selected programmes carried out by Principal Investigators within the universities of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.

The WEL Research Institute is an inter-university research institute whose mission is to support excellence in strategic fundamental research within its departments, with a view to translate disruptive innovations into a societal impact in the fields of health and sustainable transition.

The WEL-T (Walloon ExceLlence in Technology) funding instrument corresponds to a strategic axis of the FRFS and a department of the WEL Research Institute. It supports strategic fundamental research of excellence in engineering, chemistry and physics with a view to developing breakthrough innovations for industrial applications aimed at sustainable transition. Through this instrument, Wallonia grants significant resources over several years to WEL-T Investigators within the WEL Research Institute to develop ambitious research programmes and achieve major scientific breakthroughs.

These programmes constitute a pillar of the Investigators' laboratory and are flexible, so the research scope can be adapted over time as needed.

Investigators within WEL Research Institute must demonstrate a combination of scientific excellence, an awareness of unmet sustainable transition needs in their field, and a willingness to seek opportunities for application of their discoveries.

WEL Research Institute
ensures, with the help of its experts, the monitoring of research progresses, the respect of confidentiality, the detection of results with a valorisation potential,and the respect of the publication constraints necessary for the protection of intellectual property resulting from the Investigator programme. The intellectual property of the results obtained within the framework of the research agreement is the exclusive property of the university of the French-Speaking Community of Belgium in which the research was carried out.

The valorisation of intellectual property is the responsibility of WEL Research Institute, which carries out this mission within the framework of a valorisation committee, comprising the university of the French-speaking Community of Belgium, represented by a representative from the university's Technology Transfer Office, the PI and WEL Research Institute.
Critères d’admission/attribution : The evaluation follows several steps under the responsibility of the Scientific Commission that lead to a priority ranking which is submitted to the Boards of Trustees of the FRFS and the WEL Research Institute.

The Board of Trustees of the FRFS decides on the allocation of funding based on the proposals of the Governing Board of the WEL Research Institute.

The Scientific Commission is composed of 14 to 18 members, including: 7 to 10 internationally recognized scientific experts in the fields of engineering, chemistry and physics and located outside Belgium or at least outside of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation; 2 or 3 experts in the valorisation of scientific results (e.g. KTO, industry members, ...) competent in the theme and located outside Belgium or at least outside the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

An expert in valorisation can come from the same institution as a scientific expert, as their roles are different. 5 members from the universities of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.
These members have a purely consultative role; they cannot vote nor act as rapporteurs.

The composition of the Scientific Commission is proposed to the Board of Trustees of the FRFS by the Board of Directors of the WEL Research Institute and by the Support Committee of the F.R.S.-FNRS competent in the topic and extended to include members of the WEL Research Institute’ Scientific Council competent in the topic.

The composition of the Scientific Commission is published on the F.R.S.-FNRS website and the WEL Research Institute website

The evaluation criteria are:

- the quality of the applicant  (CV, most relevant publications for the past 5 years, european and international grant applications)
- the quality of the programme (Scientific originality, Technical originality, Adequacy between budget and programme)
- the focus on valorisation of the intellectual property (Considerations of the PI on the TTO / experience of the PI in valorisation, the application foreseen for the technologies that could emerge from the proposed programme should be ethical and for the benefit of society)

Financement : The call WEL-T INVESTIGATOR PROGRAMME 2024 has 2 funding instruments:


Funding for the Starting instrument is maximum € 200k on an annual average over a 2-year funding period (years 1 and 2, years 3 and 4).

The applicant to the Starting instrument must be, by the validation deadline of his/her application by the academic authorities (rectors), holder of the academic degree of doctor, obtained after defense of a thesis and delivered by an academic institution, for a maximum of 12 years.

The applicant must demonstrate scientific autonomy within the laboratory in which he/she evolves (the candidate has e.g. : publications as last author, publications independent from his/her usual environment, ....). The maximum period of 12 years is increased by one year by childbirth and/or adoption.
The eligible candidates who have been awarded a Starting Grant in a previous FRFS-WEL-T call, regardless of their seniority, are not concerned by this category.


Funding for the Advanced instrument is maximum € 350k on an annual average over a 2-year funding period (years 1 and 2, years 3 and 4).
The instrument Advanced is open to the following researchers:

Experienced with a seniority of more than 12 years ;
Who have been awarded a Starting Grant in a previous FRFS-WEL-T call, regardless of their seniority.

The FRFS-WEL-T research programme spans a 4-year period. It is renewable every 4 years based, on positive evaluation by the Scientific Commission.
Each 4-year programme is divided in two 2-year funding periods. At the end of the first two years, administrative reconduction for the second funding period is conducted within the limits of the financial resources available to the FRFS for the WEL-T strategic axis and in the absence of serious ethical or productivity breaches
(article 34 of the regulation)

Eligible costs:

The eligible costs that can be requested through the Starting or Advanced instruments are of 3 types:

- Personnel :
       Doctoral Researcher – Grant (full time) or Salary : contact institution
       Postdoctoral Researcher - Grant  or Salary: contact institution
       Non-doctoral Researcher – Salary
       Technician - Salary

- Operating
       Costs for small scientific and technical equipment
       Costs for equipment6 maintenance and insurance
       Internal services
       Missions (also for associates)
       Overhead costs equals to 15% of the personnel costs and of the operating costs  


       Acquisition cost of cutting-edge scientific equipment essential for scientific research
       Depreciation costs of scientific and technical equipment essential for scientific research
Pour postuler / aide du Département Recherche : Opening of the call on the web-based application of the F.R.S.-FNRS e-space for the online submission
Opening of the call: Tuesday 17th September 2024
Deadlines for electronic validation: Thursday 7 November 2024, 2 pm
Projects assessment steps: December 2024- April 2025
Interview of starting candidates: April 10-16 2025
Meeting of the board of directors FRFS: June 2025
Star of convention: October, 1st 2025
End of convention: 30 Septembre 2027 (2029 in case of reconduction)

ULB-KTO invites you to contact their advisors as soon as possible, starting from the project idea.

The advisor provide all necessary assistance in setting up the project: developing the valorization strategy, helping to establish budgets, and ensuring compliance within the call's criteria.
For general questions or if you do not yet have a clearly identified advisor, please do not hesitate to contact, the call's referent scientific advisor at the KTO.
Contact interne ULB : Julie Blavier
Nom du second contact : Flore Keymeulen
Contact externe :
Vous souhaitez recevoir de l’information destinée à quel type de profil : Chercheurs
Discipline(s) scientifique(s) de l’appel : Chimie/ Sciences des matériaux, Mathématiques et Statistiques, Physique, Sciences de l’ingénieur, TIC et Informatique
Documents :
Nom Fichier
Mini guide Wel T 2024 wel_t_2024_mini_guide.pdf
Regulation Wel T 2024 wel_t_2024_regulation.pdf
Télécharger tous les documents
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