Description de l’appel

Programme : WIDERA 2024 call
Organisation : European Commission
Deadline : 25/09/2024 - Deadline
Deadline2 :
Type d'information : Financement
Type de programme : Appels à projets financés par l’Union Européenne, Financement d’activités de networking
Description courte : The new European Research Area (ERA) has the engagement of citizens, local communities and civil society at its core, seeking greater societal impact and increased trust in science. This action supports ERA Policy Agenda (2022-2024) action 14 – ‘Bring science closer to citizens' through broad and inclusive engagement of all relevant stakeholders in a range of activities with a view to increasing the understanding, acceptance, uptake and impact of R&I in society.
Description complète : more info : EU Funding & Tenders Portal (

L’appel HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-02 est depuis aujourd’hui ouvert sur le portail avec les 3 topics suivants :
Experimentation and exchange of good practices for value creation HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-02-01(CSA);
Science comes to town HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-02-02 (CSA);
Talent ecosystems for attractive early research careers – pilot HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-02-03 (CSA).
Clôture le 25/09/2024.
17/06/2024, en ligne - Horizon Europe - ERA 2024-02 Knowledge Day and Brokerage Event
            Séance d’information (le matin) et de réseautage (l’après-midi) au sujet de l’appel 2024-ERA-02 (les 3 topics ci-dessous)
            Informations et inscription (obligatoire)
Critères d’admission/attribution : The programme of activities must take place in at least 3 cities of 3 different Members States and/or Associated Countries, with the majority being in Member States. The consortium can comprise different types of legal entities that can represent the host cities and/or join them in designing and implementing the activities. Applicants must provide with their proposal commitment letters from the public authorities of the selected cities (city council or similar). The inclusion of local partners that provide the link to science, research and innovation is strongly encouraged.
Applicants must submit as part of their proposal the overall concept for the annual programme of activities, including the vision for content (focus and scope of activities), outreach strategy, and contribution to long-term vision for the cities. The concept has to distinguish between:
a) events, including EUCYS and TalentOn, that will be funded partially or fully by the Union contribution;
b) activities, such as the overall coordination and communication activities, that will be funded partially or fully by the Union contribution;
c) activities and events that will be financed by the participating cities; sponsorship and other resources (activities not funded by the Union contribution).
The consortium has to quantify in their proposal their commitment to mobilise substantial resources beyond the Union contribution. Monetary or in-kind sponsorships are encouraged to support and broaden the programmed activities, and further increase the impact of the action. Already established activities of the participating cities and other partners are encouraged to be included in the programme, but are excluded from funding under this action. The consortium has to report on the implementation of the activities and events not financed by the Union contribution, but not the related costs.
If participating cities wish to further expand the collaboration by engaging with other cities, e.g., with satellite events, they can consider to include them as partners without declaring costs in order to limit the administrative effort for them.
Priority activity for the successful applicants will be to co-design the detailed draft programme of activities. This will be a deliverable, due not later than 3 months before the formal launch of the “Science comes to town 2026”, subject to the approval of the Granting Authority.
Financement : This action allows for the provision of financial support to third parties in the form of prizes to the total amount of:
EU TalentOn: €80,000
EUCYS: €70 000
The amount awarded to individuals must not exceed €60 000.
The expected duration of the project is between 24 and 30 months.
Pour postuler / aide du Département Recherche : 17/06/2024, en ligne - Horizon Europe - ERA 2024-02 Knowledge Day and Brokerage Event
            Séance d’information (le matin) et de réseautage (l’après-midi) au sujet de l’appel 2024-ERA-02 (les 3 topics ci-dessous)
            Informations et inscription (obligatoire)

Incitants : Aide à la recherche de financement et au montage de projet - Portail du personnel de l'ULB
Zone géographique: Europe
Contact interne ULB : Rachel Leproult - Dragana Petrovic - Amal Akheyar - Sarah Di Giglio - Giulia Sandri
Nom du second contact : Céline Rase
Contact externe :
Aucun contact extérieur n'a été référencé pour ce projet. Vous êtes donc invité(e) à prendre contact avec la personne de contact interne ULB ou à répondre directement à l’appel en suivant la procédure indiquée.

No external contact has been referenced for this project. You are therefore invited to contact the ULB's contact person or answer the call directly by following the procedure indicated.
Vous souhaitez recevoir de l’information destinée à quel type de profil : Chercheurs
Discipline(s) scientifique(s) de l’appel : Toutes les disciplines de Sciences exactes et appliquées, Toutes les disciplines de Sciences humaines et sociales, Toutes les disciplines de Sciences de la vie
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