Description de l’appel

Programme : European Partnership: One Health Anti-Microbial Resistance
Organisation : European Commission
Deadline : 25/09/2024 - Full-proposal
Deadline2 :
Type d'information : Financement
Type de programme : Appels à projets financés par l’Union Européenne
Description courte : Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden (2023/24)
Calls for proposals under this destination are directed towards the Key Strategic Orientation KSO-D ‘Creating a more resilient, inclusive and democratic European society' of Horizon Europe's Strategic Plan 2021-2024.
Description complète : This topic aims at supporting activities that are enabling or contributing to one or several expected impacts of destination 3 “Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden”. To that end, proposals under this topic should aim for delivering results that are directed, tailored towards and contributing to all of the following expected outcomes:
The EU’s response to curb antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is improved and the EU is reinforced as an internationally recognised driver of research and innovation on AMR thereby substantially contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals related to AMR;
EU and national agencies, the scientific communities, policymakers and funders enhance their collaboration and coordination for a strengthened ‘One Health (OH) approach to fight antimicrobial resistance’ forming a strong and structured ecosystem with shared evidence, tools and methodologies cutting across sectors;
Research funders, policymakers, relevant agencies and authorities, and the research community are in a position to close the current gaps and break existing silos on AMR in accordance with the European One Health Action Plan against AMR[1] and the EU Council Recommendation to combat antimicrobial resistance in a one health approach[2];
Research funders align, adopt and implement their research policies and activities allowing for the optimal generation of novel solutions to prevent and treat infectious diseases affected by AMR, improved surveillance and diagnosis and control of the spread of resistant microorganisms, testing and validation of such solutions and facilitating their uptake or implementation responding to the needs to reduce the burden of AMR;
The EU is strengthened as an internationally recognised actor for research and innovation on AMR with a one health approach substantially contributing to global cooperation and coordination by expanding beyond Europe;
The research community at large benefit from and use an improved comprehensive knowledge framework integrating the EU, national/regional data and information infrastructures to improve transnational research.
Pour postuler / aide du Département Recherche : Liens utiles au montage de projet - Portail du personnel de l'ULB
Zone géographique: Europe
Contact interne ULB : Rachel Leproult
Contact externe :,31094502&order=DESC&pageNumber=3&pageSize=50&sortBy=startDate
Vous souhaitez recevoir de l’information destinée à quel type de profil : Chercheurs
Discipline(s) scientifique(s) de l’appel : Biologie/ Bioingénieur, Chimie/ Sciences des matériaux, Environnement/ Aménagement du territoire/ Développement durable, Médecine, Santé publique, Sciences biomédicales
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