Description de l’appel

Programme : Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
Organisation : Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Deadline : Continu
Deadline2 :
Type de programme : Appels à projets de collaboration internationale, Financement de mobilité « OUT » (partir à l’extérieur de l’ULB)
Description courte : A Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out a long-term research project (6-24 months) in Germany
Description complète : Submit an application if you are a researcher from abroad with above average qualifications, at the beginning of your academic career and only completed your doctorate in the last four years. A Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out a long-term research project (6-24 months) you have selected yourself in cooperation with an academic host you have selected yourself at a research institution in Germany. Scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines may apply to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation directly at any time. The Humboldt Foundation grants approximately 600 Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers annually.
Critères d’admission/attribution : Doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., C.Sc. or equivalent), completed less than four years prior to the date of application. Candidates who have nearly completed their doctoral degrees are eligible to apply provided that they submit the manuscript of their dissertation or publications containing the results of their dissertation.
Academic publications reviewed according to international standards and printed in journals and/or by publishing houses.
Confirmation that research facilities are available and a detailed expert's report by an academic host at a research institution in Germany. Details of the research project and the proposed timetable must be discussed with the prospective host prior to application.
Expert references from the doctoral supervisor and other academics qualified to comment on the applicant's eligibility, preferably including reviewers not working at the applicant's own institute.
Language skills: scholars in the humanities or social sciences and physicians must have a good knowledge of German if it is necessary to carry out the project successfully; otherwise a good knowledge of English; scientists and engineers must have a good knowledge of German or English.
The applicant may not have spent an extended period in Germany prior to application. Applications to continue a research stay already underway can only be considered in exceptional cases. If in doubt, candidates who have been in Germany for more than six months at the time of application should consult the FAQs and check with the Humboldt Foundation ( whether formal requirements have been met before submitting an application.
The Humboldt Foundation assumes that candidates will abide by the Rules of Good Scientific Practice during the application and sponsorship periods.
Financement : Fellowship specifications
The fellowship is worth 2,250 EUR per month. This includes a mobility lump sum and a contribution towards health and liability insurance + Additional benefits.
More info:
Pour postuler / aide du Département Recherche : Applications may be sent to the following address at any time:

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,
Selection Department,
Jean-Paul-Str. 12,
53713 Bonn, Germany

Selection committee meetings take place three times a year, in March, July and November. Reviewing the applications takes three to six months. Therefore, applications should be submitted well before the target Selection Committee Meeting.
Contact interne ULB : Elena Tegovska, Service des RI
Contact externe :
Vous souhaitez recevoir de l’information destinée à quel type de profil : Chercheurs
Discipline(s) scientifique(s) de l’appel : Toutes les disciplines de Sciences exactes et appliquées, Toutes les disciplines de Sciences humaines et sociales, Toutes les disciplines de Sciences de la vie
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