Description de l’appel

Programme : PhD funding opportunity. Lord Kelvin/Adam Smith Scholarship
Organisation : University of Glasgow, UK
Deadline : 09/05/2008
Deadline2 :
Type de programme : Appels à projets de recherche fondamentale/ou de base (hors financement de l’Union Européenne)
Description courte : The Ethics Of Social Science Research And International Institutionalised Ethics Procedures (IEPs): A Critical Engagement
Description complète : The prestigious Lord Kelvin/Adam Smith Scholarships scheme was established in 2007 to support the development of innovative, boundary-crossing research at the University of Glasgow and is now in its second year. The scheme is intended to create new partnerships between members of staff and will offer postgraduate research scholars the opportunity to participate in new research collaborations involving the development of exciting cross-discipline research ideas. (see: kelvinsmithfellowshipsscholarships/scholarships/) Researchers across the higher education sector have to seek ethical approval to be able to conduct research with human subjects. The need to negotiate ethical approval procedures shapes the ways in which research is conducted, it influences the relationships between researchers and research subjects and consequently changes the very nature of research and research methods. Whilst accountability for research practices is welcomed, there has been limited research into the critical impact of institutionalised ethics procedures: their deeper meanings, immediate effects and longer term implications. This project seeks to understand how IEPS are changing the nature and understanding of ethical paradigms in play across higher education institutions. It offers the opportunity for a critical engagement with the practice of ethics and the way ethical imperatives shape the research context. The research student will be part of an interdisciplinary supervisory team drawn from education, anthropology, area studies, modern languages and geography (see below). The supervisory arrangements are intended to form an integral part of the overall research design as well as offer an innovative framework within which the research student can develop a broader and deeper understanding of the ethics of social science research.
Financement : This scholarship will run for 4 years and will provide the successful candidate with a stipend at the Research Council recommended rates (£12,940 for 2008/09).
Pour postuler / aide du Département Recherche : Potential applicants should send their CV and a covering letter to the address below by Friday May 9th 2008. The covering letter should (i)explain your interest in the research topic, (ii)outline the key qualities you feel you would bring to the research project (drawing from previous experience where relevant), and (iii)demonstrate your enthusiasm for participating in a dynamic supervisory arrangement.
Interviews for the scholarship will take place in early June.
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Vous souhaitez recevoir de l’information destinée à quel type de profil :
Discipline(s) scientifique(s) de l’appel : Philosophie, Psychologie/ Sciences cognitives, Sciences de l'Education, Sciences politiques/ relations internationales, Sociologie/ Anthropologie/ Sciences du travail, Tourisme
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